Thank you for your interest in joining the Erasmus+ Student and Alumni Association (ESAA). ESAA can help your social and professional life in several ways: throughout your academic mobility experience as well as after graduation. You can take part in one of the numerous ESAA activities online - in Europe and worldwide - by becoming a member of one of ESAA's member organizations. In 2017, ESAA will celebrate 30 years of Erasmus+ with dedicated activities and events. Find out more about the campaign here. As ESAA is an umbrella organization composed of four organizations, the only way to be an ESAA member and to be active within ESAA is to become a member of one of these four organizations, who are willing to welcome you according to the type of Erasmus+ experience you had. - Are you currently an exchange student in Europe? Would you like to get in touch with other exchange students and receive support from local students in the city you are studying in? Or did you just finish your exchange and would like to give something back by helping students that are coming to your university? Check out the Erasmus Student Network!
 - Have you participated in an exchange programme that took you outside of Europe or has your academic mobility brought you from a non-European country to study in the EU? Join the OCEANS Network, which promotes Erasmus+ worldwide and aims to improve intercultural understanding and knowledge transfer between the EU and other countries of the world.
 - Interested in enhancing your professional opportunities? Employers value your international experience! By becoming a member of garagErasmus, you can connect with companies, recruiters and other Erasmus+ alumni. Keep your CV and profile updated at all times and be visible for your next job. Visit garagErasmus now!
 - Are you interested in pursuing an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD)? Check the EMJMD courses that you can apply for. Are you already studying within an EMJMD? Do you want to join a global community spread across more than 174 countries in the world? Check out what the Erasmus Mundus Association has to offer and become a member!
 You will receive the ESAA newsletter if you sign up for it individually on the ESAA website, to get invitations and information on ways to get involved. We look forward to meeting you soon at one of our events. Your Erasmus+ Student and Alumni Association