Partners garagErasmus OCEANS ESN EMA

Frequently Asked Questions

What scholarships does the EU offer?
On top of national scholarship schemes, the EU offers a plethora of opportunities to study, train, gain experience, and volunteer abroad. Through the various components of the Erasmus+ programme, the umbrella programme encompassing a range of educational programmes targeting different categories of students. Have a look at this page to find ideas on scholarships with the Erasmus+ programme: Especially the Erasmus Mundus Programme offers full scholarships for students. For more details have a look here:

How can I apply for other Erasmus+ Scholarships?
(1) Visit the official website of the European Commission about the Erasmus+ Programme for education:

(2) Choose the Erasmus+ opportunity you are interested in. Then, you will be prompted to the step by step process on how to apply and what scholarship opportunities are offered.

How do I choose between the distinct programmes in Erasmus+?
In choosing a programme, you must first know what your goals are, what career path you are trying to make, and what you intend to do with the knowledge that you will gain from the programme. For example, if you are solely interested in gaining practical knowledge, you may not need to pursue a full degree. Instead, you may be more interested in applying for an Erasmus+ internship programme. Have a look at all the possible options through this link! It will help you in your decision-making process.

When is the deadline for submissions?
Deadlines vary according to the individual programmes. To confirm the relevant deadlines, you should check the specific website of the programme you are interested in here

You can find more interesting offers from Erasmus in the links below: 

Internship with Erasmus:

Traineeship with Erasmus:

Erasmus grant:

EU fundings:

I am from Germany will do my complete Master´s degree in Spain at one university.  I have only found scholarships for spending semesters abroad, but are there scholarships for completely studying in another European country?
If the programme you are going to take falls under the Erasmus+ scheme, then you may be able to get funding. Even if it is not under the Erasmus Mundus component, you may still qualify for a Master's loan under Erasmus+. For more information click here.

Are there any scholarship opportunities for PhD studies?
EC Scholarships for PhD studies are available under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions programme. The number of applicants accepted per PhD programme and programme deadlines depend on the field of study, usually called a "project." More information about the Marie Curie Actions programme and other European PhD scholarships and fellowships can be found on the Euraxess website.

Does ESAA offer any financial support for individuals or sponsorships for external events?
In general, we only have budget through the annual ESAA project calls. Please find further information under “ESAA Projects” section. In addition, you can sign up for our ESAA newsletter at the bottom of this website to get further information in upcoming months.

How do I become a member?
You can get involved in ESAA by becoming a member of one of the four partner organisations, which will allow you to participate in events and projects. For more information check out this page.

How do I become active within ESAA?
Anyone that is a member of one of our four partner organisations (Erasmus Mundus Association (EMA), Erasmus Student Network (ESN), GaragErasmus (gE) and the OCEANS Network (OCEANS) can apply for ESAA projects.  Please refer to their official websites in order to start your application process. If you are unsure which organisation would fit you best, have a look at this page for more details.

Do I have to pay to be a member?
No, you do not have to pay to become active within ESAA.

  • What is ESAA?
    The Erasmus+ Student and Alumni Alliance (ESAA) brings together the Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association (EMA), the Erasmus Student Network (ESN), garagErasmus (gE) and the OCEANS Network to work on promoting Erasmus+ and Higher Education. Please check out this page if you want to get to know more about the projects and activities ESAA supports.

    How many members does ESAA have?
    ESAA per say does not have members but its partner organisations have very varied amounts of international members.

    What is the ESAA Liaison Group?
    The ESAA liaison group is a group of representatives from each partner organisation (one rep per organisation). The liaison group works with the ESAA service provider to organise and discuss the annual working plan, especially the set-up of the ESAA projects. 

    Where does ESAA have a representative office?
    ESAA does not have a representative office. The current Service Provider holds an office that can be best compared to a representative’s office. All relevant information about ESAA is being published on the ESAA website.

    How to volunteer and participate in ESAAs work?
    Become a member of one of the partner organisation and you can become involved by applying for the ESAA projects. Share your expertise and knowledge! There are numerous great opportunities to become a part of ESAA and have lots of fun.

Does ESAA support projects for its members? If yes, how do I submit a funding proposal for a project?
Yes, ESAA provides support.

Applicants must be members of the ESAA member Organisations:
Erasmus Mundus Student and Alumni Association (EMA); Erasmus Student Network (ESN); OCEANS Network; garagErasmus

All ESAA Projects need to align with at least one of the following clusters:
Cluster 1: Strengthening Higher Education Quality
Cluster 2: Spreading Erasmus+ and Widening Participation
Cluster 3: Increasing Social Inclusion, Empowerment, and Participation
Cluster 4: Capacity Building

More Information:
Have a look on the ESAA news page for the newest information on upcoming calls for projects here. 

Does ESAA support any local activities in my city, country or region?
Maybe! To find out please visit the "News" on our website. Here ESAA informs about new local activities in your city/country and region or check out the ESAA Facebook page for upcoming events.

How can I propose local projects in my city, country, or region?
Members of an ESAA partner organisation can organise their own event through the "ESAA Projects" programme. Get informed about the most recent open calls for projects on this page of our website.

If you want to know more about the projects, you can review the Q&A document of the first calls in 2021

Does ESAA have a mentoring program?
No, ESAA does not have its own mentoring programme. However, some of our partner organisations have mentoring programmes. Check out their local pages for more detail.




Does ESAA provide any job search facilities?
No, ESAA does not have its own job search facility. However, have a look at the following links from our member organisations:




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