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2024-12-31 General News

Launch of the XV edition ESNsurvey Report on student mobility and inclusion

The fifteenth edition of the ESNsurvey provides valuable insights into international mobility, as well as into the challenges and opportunities to improve the Erasmus+ experience among students at European Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) across Europe. Learn the key findings of the current edition to gain an insight into the students’ experiences during their exchange periods abroad. 

The fifteenth edition of the ESNsurvey report has been published, providing valuable insights into the transformative power of international mobility and highlighting the challenges and opportunities for improving the Erasmus+ experience.

The ESNsurvey research project explores aspects of mobility and education among students at European Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) across Europe. Since it began in 2005 it has been carried out every two years and is the largest initiative of its kind. Entirely managed by ESN volunteers, the survey involves creating and distributing an online questionnaire to HEI students to gather insights into their experiences during exchange periods abroad. The project collaborates with associations, students, teachers, academics, and various European institutions.

In the XV edition, the data collection occurred between 29 May until the 31 July 2023. Approximately, 23000 students responded to the survey, including exchange students, full degree students, and non-mobile students (those who remain at their home institutions throughout their studies). The ESN survey report highlights the importance of inclusion, accessibility, and quality mobility, central themes of the Erasmus+ programme and the European Higher Education Area. In line with the midterm evaluation of Erasmus+ and the discussions for the new edition of the Erasmus+ Programme, the survey analyses the horizontal priorities and key areas. These include learning outcomes recognition, the acquisition of competencies, and the international dimension of teaching and learning, vital components of the Erasmus+ programme’s impact on students.

Some of the key findings of the report include the following:

  • Shorter international experiences before higher education exchanges are helpful for building students’ confidence and fostering an international mindset with the majority of survey participants (51.1%) going on some sort of short international trip pre-higher education e.g. short high school educational trip (20.9%), followed by summer programmes or language programmes (15.6%);

  • Certain key factors influence students to go on exchange including the ability to speak the language at the destination university, the host institution’s academic reputation, the affordability of the host city, the availability of courses recognised by their home institution, and the opportunity to engage with the local community while away. In comparison, it appears that traineeship participants place greater importance on academic reputation, career aspirations, and community engagement;

  • Predeparture support is crucial, with students emphasising the need for information prior to departure, especially regarding financial support (15.37%), the application process (12.43%), and available programmes (12.29%), as well as hearing from previous students (11.84%);

  • Insufficient funding was reported by 35.63% respondents indicating the grant was not sufficient to cover their living costs, while 62.7% only received their grants after their departure;

  • The Erasmus Charter for Higher Education’s requirement for a signed learning agreement by all parties, with all activities clearly described for students by sending and hosting institutions was highly rated by students;

  • An increased sense of belonging to the European Union is reported by students, accompanied by a stronger connection to Europe and the world in general;

The 2024 ESNsurvey report highlights the crucial role of accessibility and inclusivity in education, and the importance of student voices in shaping effective policies to ensure quality mobility experiences for all. Don’t miss out on this essential resource for the future of education. Read the full research on the ESN website.


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