"This course should be offered to everyone", says a student after our training. "We learned a lot - plagiarism, research ethics, no one talks about this at our universities". I proudly look at the student and agree that this is a very rewarding moment.
This ESAA project in conjunction with EduCare Educational Foundation provided a training for the students from Armenian local universities to improve their skills on academic honesty and research ethics. It was part of the bigger project on "What is your research about", which aimed to enhance academic literacy skills among local students in Armenian universities.
During the training they discussed different types of plagiarism and talked about how to do referencing. Shared strategies on how to avoid plagiarism, paraphrasing and summarising were also practiced - essential skills for academic writing. They also addressed the importance of ethics and its principles in doing research.
The project was designed of two components. The first one consisted of the training on academic honesty and research ethics – broad topics that are relevant to everyone. The second component of the project aimed to enhance the students’ awareness about research methods through engaging them into podcast conversations with researchers and Erasmus Mundus (EM) alumni. One of the valuable elements was to use the potential of EM alumni who offer a variety of experience in terms of the research methods in their disciplines, their collaboration with supervisors and actual research work. As a result of this cooperation, 10 podcasts were produced with EM alumni sharing their academic research experiences.
As members of EMA (partner organisation of ESAA) we are aware that we bear a wealth of knowledge about various aspects of our international life - and sharing that is a good way to transfer the skills and experiences and additionally to reflect on our past paths. Learning is becoming and learning is transformation, so we transform ourselves and the world around us.
Edited by service provider